To move the content selection. To move a selection marquee and the enclosed content, select the Move tool and then click and drag or use the arrow keys. You can also access the Move tool temporarily by holding down Ctrl (Windows), Cmd (Mac OS), except when the active tools are Path selection, the Hand, Pen, shape, or slice tools.
Duplicating and moving with Selection Content. To move a selection marquee and duplicate the content at the same time,select the Move tool, hold down Alt(Windows), Opt (Mac OS), and then drag or use arrow keys. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl+Alt (Windows), Opt (Mac OS) and then drag.
Hiding the Marching Ants. You may need to hide marching ants (marquee boarder) by pressing "H" key in order to have a cleaner preview . Pressing "H" once more to reveal the marching ants border. Optional way for Whatever hidden or unhidden by the keyboard shortcut can be specified in View➜Show➜Show Extras Options.
Adobe Acrobat X Pro Review -
14 years ago
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