By default,the ruler’s zero origin is set to 0x,0y coordinates (top-left corner of the visible image for us simple folks).However,when you absolutely must set it elsewhere in the document,it’s a quick and painless operation.Just click in the box where the two rulers intersect and drag diagonally into the image (Figure 2-4).As you drag,you will see a cross hair temporarily superimposed over the image to help you set the new ruler zero origin. Position the pointer where you would like to set the new ruler zero origin;then let go.That’s all there is to it! You can,if you wish,set the new zero origin anywhere in the canvas area and not just the visible image area.
The rulers do not move from their locked position when you drag from the ruler intersection box,but if you look at the zero markers on the rulers,you will see that they have been set to the new position.In the example shown in Figure 2-4,the new ruler zero origin is being set to 100 px horizontal (x) and 100 px vertical (y) from the top-left corner of the image.To reset the zero origin to the default top left-hand corner,double-click the box intersection.
Adobe Acrobat X Pro Review -
14 years ago
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